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Rules and Requirements:
- Reviews are required to join and stay a member of the ART.
- In order to be eligible to be a member, you must provide a link to a review you have written for Darkness Begins. Not sure how to link to a review? Find your review on the product page for the book and click the bold title of your review. Then copy the full website address (http://www…) and paste it in the field below. That’s it.
- Advance Reader copies will be distributed via InstaFreebie and will contain a watermark to prevent piracy. If you cannot or do not wish to use InstaFreebie, then this isn’t the Advance Reader Team for you.
- Advance copies of new releases will be provided 1-3 days prior to release of the ebook version of each title.
- Reviews should be posted within two weeks of ebook release in order to stay on the team. Links to all reviews must be emailed to
- The purpose of the ART is to share why you enjoy Harley’s work and let other readers know why they might enjoy it, too. If you cannot leave an honest positive review, please email and explain why instead of leaving a negative review.
- The ART is currently limited to 25 members.
- Placement on the ART is in the sole discretion of Harley Tate and a member can be removed at any time for any reason.
- Still reading? Great! Please sign-up below:
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